Stuck in a Book Embroidered Joggers

Regular price
$30.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$30.00 USD
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At The Dear Writer Co. each item is handmade especially for you! Each brand has been tested to make sure it'll be comfortable to wear while also holding a good quality. For Joggers we use the Jerzees brand.

✨Jogger sizes are Unisex.
✨Design will be Embroidered either white or black depending on Jogger color.
✨50/50 Heavy Blend.

Shipping & Payment

How much does shipping cost?

The shipping fee varies depending on the shipping destination and the number of items you purchase. You can check the estimated shipping fee by adding items to your cart, proceeding to checkout, entering your email address and shipping address. The exact shipping fee will be automatically updated and displayed on the checkout page.

When will I receive my order?

Order processing time is typically anywhere between 1-2 weeks depending on stock, shipment timelines, and amount of orders. The goal is to always get orders out asap and hopefully within that first week. 

What are your Refund/Return policies?

What are your refund/return policies?

At this time all sales are final and we do not offer any refunds, returns, or exchanges. However, please email us if there is anything wrong with your order. In the email please provide the name on the order, the order number, and photos of what you received and we will do our best to help you out!